Videos for educators
Watch our interviews for CAS TV on inclusive computing
Computing and SEND
Catherine Elliott of Sheffield eLearning and CAS include discusses inclusion strategies for how best to make computing accessible to pupils with special educational needs.
Gender and computing
Carrie Anne Philbin, director of education at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, discusses some of the issues around gender, inclusion and computing. Fewer girls study computing at GCSE and A Level. If the our focus is on CS for all then we ought to make our lessons and the subject more inclusive - so they're more exciting for both girls and boys. Carrie Anne suggests positive role models help, and that a problem based, collaborative approach as particularly effective.
Pupil premium
Rebecca Franks of The Raspberry Pi Foundation and CAS Include discusses Pupil Premium and how it can best be spent to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Rebecca advocates an approach focused on quality first teaching using high impact interventions such as feedback, meta cognition and mastery learning. The use of the SOLO (structure of observed learning outcomes) is also a particular characteristic of Rebecca's work, as she explains in the interview. Rebecca also discusses other possible uses of Pupil Premium funding such as providing access to computers and home internet access.
Creativity and 3D animation
Pete Kemp from the University of Roehampton discusses creativity in computing, computational thinking through 3D animation, Blender and addressing social inclusion in computing.
Engaging girls in computing
Dawn Akyürek (@kcs_headteacher) and Gemma Marsden of King's College School, Madrid discuss computing in their school and some of the strategies they've used to better engage girls in computing. Plenary presentation at the University of Roehampton's Festival of Computing, 17 June, 2016.